关于对环境保护领域失信生产经营单位及其有关人员开展联合惩戒的合作备忘录——2016.8.10 The Memorandum of Understanding on Taking Joint Disciplinary Actions against Dishonest Production and Operation Entities and Relevant Persons in the Field of Environmental Protection ——2016.8.10 EHS.CN注: Notes by EHS.CN
On February 23, 2016, 44 national commissions and ministries including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Memorandum of Understanding on Taking Joint Disciplinary Actions against Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement. On May 9, 2016, 18 departments jointly issued the memorandum of understanding on taking joint disciplinary actions against dishonest acts in the Field of Work Safety. On August 10, 2016, 31 national commissions and ministries jointly issued the memorandum of understanding on taking joint disciplinary actions against dishonest acts in the field of environmental protection. What changes will be brought to enterprises by joint disciplinary actions? The interpretations are as followed.
一、联合惩戒对象 Firstly, it is about parties subject to joint disciplinary actions.
Parties subject to joint disciplinary actions are production and operation entities and their legal representatives, chief persons in charge and relevant persons with directly responsibilities with serious dishonest acts in the field of environmental protection.
So, what behaviors are serious dishonest acts in the field of environmental protection? Since the details of the Memorandum have not been issued to the public, we have no way of knowing the specific definition of dishonest acts in the field of environmental protection. However, we can refer to the Measures for the Evaluation of Enterprise Environmental Trustworthiness (for Trial Implementation) (No. 150 [2013] of the Ministry of Environmental Protection). Parts of serious dishonest acts are listed as followed.
1) constitute an environmental crime by breaking the environmental law;
2) start the commencement without permission where the documents of environmental impact assessment for the construction project have not been examined and approved;
3) the main part of a project are put into production or use when environmental protection facilities of the construction project have not been built, environmental protection measures have not been carried out or it has not passed or has failed the checkup for environmental protection acceptance of a completed project.
EHS.CN注: Notes by EHS.CN
In the past, it seemed that nothing bad would happen to dishonest enterprises of environmental protection. The joint disciplinary actions will make dishonest persons pay a heavy price, and there will be no way to go except correcting the errors. For detailed dishonest acts in the field of environmental protection, please refer to the Measures for the Evaluation of Enterprise Environmental Trustworthiness (for Trial Implementation). What are joint disciplinary measures? Let's carry on the interpretation.
二、惩戒措施 Secondly, it is about disciplinary measures.
I. Parties Subject to Disciplinary Actions: dishonest production and operation entities of environmental protection
(一)禁止类 i. Prohibited Measures
1) prohibited to participate in government procurement activities as a supplier;
2) if an inspection institute of motor-driven vehicles’ emissions play fraud, its qualification of inspection and testing shall be revoked;
3) where dishonest production and operation entities apply for the enterprises management certified by the customs, the customs shall not issue the certification;
4) dishonest production and operation entities shall not be awarded the honorary title of civilized units, and the honorary title having obtained shall be revoked.
(二)限制类 ii. Restricted Measures
1) restricted to obtain the land supplied by the government;
2) restricted to obtain the production license for industrial products;
3) restricted to participate in the bidding activity of public construction projects invested by public finance;
4) restricted to participate in the concession for infrastructure and public utilities;
5) legally restricted to get the work safety license;
6) restricted to issue the corporate bonds;
7) restricted to register the debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises.
(三)停止优惠政策类 iii. measures of ceasing the preferential polices
1) for the coal-fired power plant enjoying the prices of electricity with environmental protection measures, the electricity price for the corresponding period of discharging the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke and dust that exceeded the prescribed standards shall be confiscated and it will be given a heavier punishment in fine.
2) in accordance with relevant provisions made by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, an enterprise punished by breaking environmental protection laws shall not enjoy the police of immediate refund upon payment for the value-added tax for products and labor services involving the comprehensive utilization of resources within 36 months as of the next month after the issuance of a punishment decision.
3) in case of having law-violated actions of discharging any pollutant in excess of the standards or of that the total volume of key pollutants emitted exceeds the total volume control index, the preferential enterprise income tax policies for environmental protection projects that have been enjoyed shall be ceased to perform.
4) cease to perform the support by financial funds or restricted to apply for the projects supported by public finance.
5) cease to perform relevant preferential policies in the field of investment, or not to approve its apply for enjoying other relevant preferential policies.
(四)其他惩戒措施 iv. other disciplinary measures
1) dishonest information about the production and operation entities shall be referred to while the examination and verification for stock issuance and the examination and verification for the public transfer on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations;
2) promote the financial institutions to take the dishonest information of production and operation entities as the reference for the credit extension for the financing;
3) promote the insurance institutions to take the dishonest information of production and operation entities as the reference for defining the insurance rates for environmental pollutions responsibilities;
4) during the interim and post supervision for the mergers and acquisitions of listed companies or non-listed companies, special attention shall be paid to production and operation entities with serious dishonest acts;
5) market regulation departments and competent industry departments shall list the dishonest production and operation entities as the key regulatory objects, enhance the daily supervision and increase the frequency of the selective examination;
6) relevant departments shall reveal the information about dishonest production and operation entities to the public through the website of “Credit China” and the national system for publicity of enterprise credit information.
7) other disciplinary measures legally carried out by various competent departments.
EHS.CN注: Notes by EHS.CN
In the past, some enterprises are enjoying the subsidy for the desulfidation and the denitration while simultaneously discharging pollutants illegally, which is a typical example of dishonesty of environmental protection. The 20+ specific disciplinary measures hereof seem to “make a fuss and draw in a lot of people”, but actually it is not. Once being dishonest, production and operation entities will be “listed in the blacklist” decisively by relevant departments, which can form the social atmosphere of “dishonest environmental protection provokes a hue and a cry” and return the “blue mountains and green waters” to the public.
2、惩戒对象:法定代表人、主要负责人和负有直接责任的有关人员 II. Parties subject to Disciplinary Actions: legal representatives, chief persons in charge and relevant persons with directly responsibilities.
1) where relevant provisions of the measures for business performance appraisals of persons-in-charge at central enterprises applies to relevant persons-in-charge of dishonest production and operation entities, the comprehensive score of the annual business performance appraisals shall be deducted till to cut down the annual business performance appraisals and the level of the business performances appraisals during the term of office and to deduct the annual salary of performance assessments and the incentive income of the term of office of enterprises’ persons-in-charge according to the seriousness of circumstances and the degree of the impact; if the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be given a disciplinary action or the person-in-charge of the enterprise shall be adjusted.
2) where the provisions about the comprehensive evaluation of representatives from the non-public sectors of the economy that is stipulated by the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee and other 13 departments applies, relevant persons-in-charge of dishonest production and operation entities shall not be recommended as candidates of the NPC deputies or members of the CPPCC and not be praised.
3) legal representatives, chief persons-in-charge and relevant persons with directly responsibilities of dishonest production and operation entities shall not be awarded the honorary title such as the moral model and the labor award, and the awarded honorary title shall be revoked.
The following 18 restricted clauses are from the Notice on Taking Joint Disciplinary Actions against Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement (February 23, 2016)
1) restricted to be enterprises’ legal representatives, directors, supervisors;
2) restricted to register as the public institution's legal representative;
3) restricted to be recruited (hired) as civil servants or staff of public institutions;
4) restricted to participate in the appraisal of civilized units or moral model;
5) restricted to take a flight, take the soft berth of train and conduct other non-essential life and working consumer behaviors;
6) restricted to live in the guest houses or hotels with higher stars; restricted to consume in nightclubs, golf courses;
7) restricted to purchase the real estate and to trade state-owned property rights;
8) restricted to spend holidays within certain areas;
9) restricted their childrens to study at private schools with high tuition fee;
10) inquire the information about identity, passport, vehicles and properties; assist in finding the dishonest persons subject to enforcement; restricted to departure from China; assist in sealing up and detain vehicles;
11) restricted to use state-owned woodlands; restricted to apply for the key forestry construction projects; restricted to the examination and approval of the coverage of state-owned grasslands; restricted to apply for key grassland protection construction projects;
12) inquiry the qualification information of the customs’ certification for the dishonest persons subject to enforcement; restricted to be enterprises certificated by customs; strict supervision shall be carried out for imported and exported goods;
13) inquiry the approval information about the work safety licenses; restricted to engage in the industry of drugs and foods; restricted to be the chief person-in-charge, directors, supervisors and senior executives of production and operation entities;
14) inquiry the registration information of fishing vessels;
15) inquiry the registration information of passenger vehicles and freight vehicles;
16) inquiry the lawyer registration information; restricted to participate in the advanced or excellent appraisal;
17) inquiry the marriage information;
18) be subject to liability for the refusal to satisfy a judgment or ruling.
EHS.CN小结: Conclusion by EHS.CN
No matter for the production and operation entities or for legal representatives, chief persons-in-charge and relevant persons with directly responsibilities, once they are listed in as the dishonest parties subject to disciplinary actions, they will be unable to move even a single step, and even it will influence their family.
Once there are serious dishonest acts regarding to the work safety or environmental protection, joint disciplinary actions will be carried out. Therefore, our EHS friends, must pay full attention to it: every top executives of companies, the problems of work safety and environmental protection are of great urgency and demand immediate attention; every boss, please set a good sample with your own conduct and put a high value on them.
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