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2016年7月 新法提示 关于“土十条”,你所不知道的事

2016-7-8 09:35 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 6569 | 评论: 0 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:土壤是经济社会可持续发展的重要物质基础,大米镉超标、常州外国语学校毒地污染事件等,时刻提醒着我们土壤环境状况堪忧。2016年5月28日国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称“土十条”),为土壤污染防治工作注 ...
  The Things You Do Not Know about the "Ten Soil Rules"
  The soil is an important material basis for sustainable economic and social development. The news, such as the excessive cadmium in rice and the polluting accidents happened in the Changzhou Foreign Languages School, are always reminding us that the soil environment is worth serious consideration. The State Council on May 28 issued the Action Plan for Soil Pollution Prevention and Control (hereinafter referred to as the "ten soil rules"), which injects a booster for the soil pollution prevention and control work.
  Therefore, the current issue are interpreting main clauses related to enterprises in the "ten soil rules".
  The first focus: to speed up the establishment and the improvement of a regulatory standard system
  To accelerate the legislative process
  By the end of 2016, the measures for the soil environment of contaminated land and the measures for the soil environment of agricultural land will have been issued. By the end of 2017, departmental rules will have been issued, such as the recovery and disposal of pesticide packaging waste, the soil environmental management for the mining and industrial lands, the recycle and the reuse of the waste pesticide plastics. By 2020, the system of laws and regulations of the soil pollution prevention and control will have been basically established.
  To systematically establish the standard system
  Improve relevant standards and technical specifications for the prevention and controlling of soil pollutions. By the end of 2017, issue, complete and modify series of standards, regulations and other supporting documents.
  EHS.CN’s note
  The “ten soil rules” is the starting point rather than the end, and series of supporting regulations and standards are being made. Whether the enterprises our EHS friends are working for produce soil pollutions? Please pay closed attention to the introduction of relevant supporting documents!
  The second focus: implement enterprises’ mail responsibilities —— who pollutes, who controls
  Implement enterprises’ mail responsibilities
  Related enterprises shall strengthen internal managements, putting the soil pollution prevention and control work into the environmental risks prevention and control system, setting up and running the pollution control facilities strictly according to laws and regulations, and make sure that the discharge of key pollutants always meet the standards. Enterprises producing soil pollutions shall bear the legal responsibilities of the damage assessment, the pollution control and the soil remediation. Enterprises’ and industries’ self-discipline system for soil pollution prevention and control shall be gradually established. State-owned enterprises, especially the central government - owned enterprises should take the initiative in the implementation thereof.
  Who pollutes, who controls
  Any unit or individual that cause soil pollutions shall bear the main responsibility of pollution controlling and soil restoration. Where the subject of responsibility changes, the unit or individual that inherit the credits or debts shall bear the relevant responsibility; where the land use right is transferred in accordance with laws, the assignee of the land use right or the person liable contracted by both parties shall bear the relevant responsibility. Where the subject of responsibility is lost or uncertain, the local government at the county level shall bear relevant responsibilities according to laws.
  EHS.CN’s note
  It is easy for atmospheric pollutants and water pollutants to spread, and the influenced area is wide; while soil pollution is limited inside the plant. If the plant does not move, the problem is difficult to be exposed. The introduction of the “ten soil rules” is to set the magic formula for enterprise, forcing enterprises’ decision makers to pay attention to soil pollutions and to put the soil pollution prevention and control into enterprises’ overall environmental risk management system, establishing the pollution prevention and controlling facilities and making sure their normal running.
  From now on, the soil pollution prevention and control has become an indispensable part of the EHS.
  The third focus: “three simultaneous” of the prevention and controlling facilities for soil pollutions
  When carrying out environmental impact assessment for the construction project discharging key pollutants, soil environmental impact assessment shall be added and it shall propose specific measures for preventing and controlling soil pollutions; where it is necessary to establish the soil pollution prevention and control facilities, they shall be design simultaneously, be built simultaneously and be commissioned simultaneously along with the principal part of the project.
  As of 2017, local government shall sign the liability agreement of soil pollution prevention and control with key enterprises and industries, clarifying relevant measures and liabilities, and make them known to the public.
  EHS.CN’ note
  Article 41 of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China: “The pollution prevention and control facilities in construction projects shall be designed, built and commissioned along with the principal part of the project at the same time.” The articles above are mainly regarded to the prevention and control facilities about air and water pollutions; while the “ten soil rules” is independently clarifying preventing and controlling measures for soil pollutions, the importance of which can be seen.
  We need to pay special attention to that whether the existing projects and newly-built projects are discharging key pollutants. Whether there are corresponding prevention and control facilities? Whether they are under normal operation? If not, measures shall be taken immediately!
  The forth focus: lists of key monitoring enterprises for the soil environment
  All localities shall define the list of key monitoring enterprises for soil environment according to the distribution of industrial and mining enterprises and the pollution emissions, carrying out dynamic updates and making it known to the public.
  Enterprises in the list shall carry out the annual soil environmental monitoring by themselves and make the results known to the public. Relevant environmental protection departments shall regularly carry out the supervision over key monitoring enterprises and the surrounding of industrial parks, timely uploads the data to the national information management platform of the soil environment, the result of which will an important basis for the enforcement of environmental law and the early risk warning.
  EHS.CN's Note
  The list of key monitoring enterprises for soil environment is like the black list of enterprises' work safety. Once being listed in, enterprises' voluntary supervision, environmental protection departments' regular supervision and the data of monitoring results will become the important basis for the enforcement of environmental law and the early risk warning. EHS personnel shall pay closed attention to whether the enterprise you are working for is in the list. Try your best to keep your enterprise out of the list through routine management, which is the value of EHS personnel.
  Whether factory's air pollutant emissions are excessive? Whether the content of heavy metals in industrial wastewater emission meets the standards or not? How is the contractor being managed? Every EHS person is concerned with and familiar with all of these.
  However, the management of preventing and controlling soil pollutions is relatively weak. Perhaps it is because the soil-related laws and regulations are not sound enough; perhaps it is because the soil problems occur inside the enterprise, as long as there is no relocation, the problem is hidden below the factory......
  The introduction of "ten soil rules" has strengthened the main responsibility, emphasizing that "who pollutes, who cares", which discloses the soil pollution prevention and control work from the ground to the table and to every EHS personnel. Please keep that in focus!


关键字:土十条, 双语法规, 土壤, 企业






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