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Tips For New Legislation
当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 10月双语:最新《江苏省工贸行业企业外包项目安全管理暂行办法》解读


2016-10-21 09:58 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 7269 | 评论: 2 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要: 2016年8月17日,江苏省安全生产监督管理局发布了《江苏省工贸行业企业外包项目安全管理暂行办法》,对工贸企业的外包项目的安全管理提出了政府的管理要求,界定对双方责任与义务,是全国首次。怎样做业主?怎样进行 ...

  2016年10月 新法提示

  Tips For New Legislations in Oct. 2016


  Interpretation of the latest Interim Measures for the Safety Management of the Outsourcing Projects for the Industrial and Trading Enterprises


  ---If work safety accidents happen to the contractors, the project owners will be affected and put into the blacklist.




  On August 17, 2016, the Jiangsu Administration of Work Safety issued the Interim Measures for the Safety Management of the Outsourcing Projects for the Industrial and Trading Enterprises, proposing the governmental management requirements for the safety management of outsourcing projects and defining both parties’ obligations and duties, which has been initiated in China. What shall the project owner do? How to manage the outsourcing? The interpretations are as followed.



  Firstly, work safety duties of the contract-issuing entities



  i. Carry out the devolution! Show your respect to the safety management personnel!


  第六条 发包单位应当依法设置安全生产管理机构或者配备专(兼)职安全生产管理人员,对外包项目的安全生产实施管理和监督。

  Article 6 The contract-issuing entities shall set up a work safety management institution or provide full-time (part-time) safety management personnel in accordance with law, carrying out the management and supervision over the work safety of outsourcing projects.


  第七条 发包单位应当审查承包单位依法应具备的相应资质和安全生产条件,不得将外包项目发包给不具备相应资质和安全生产条件的承包单位。

  Article 7 The contract-issuing entities shall review the relevant qualifications and work safety conditions of the contractors in accordance with laws, and shall not give out the contract of the outsourcing projects to the contractors without appropriate qualifications and work safety conditions.



  Besides reviewing contractors’ relevant qualifications, the contract-issuing entities shall review other aspects of the project department of the contractors, including the work safety management institution or the safety management personnel, regulations and rules, operation procedures, project technical personnel, major equipment and facilities, safety education and training, special operation workers working with certificates.



  Notes by EHS.CN



  Not only reviewing the qualifications, but also the work safety management shall be checked and examined.



  Who to choose the contractors? And who to carry out the professional work safety review? —— If the professional work safety personnel are not able to participate in the choose and definition of the contractors before the project, how to perform the management during the project?



  ii. documents and information that shall be provided before engaging in the project


  第八条 发包单位应当与承包单位签订安全生产管理协议,明确各自的安全生产管理职责。安全生产管理协议应当包括下列内容:












  Article 8 The contract-issuing entities shall sign the work safety management agreement with the contractors, clarifying both parties’ management duties of work safety. The work safety management agreement shall conclude the following contents.

  (1) The responsibilities for work safety;

  (2) The safety management regulations, standards and systems that should be implemented;

  (3) Safety equipment and facilities, construction conditions;

  (4) The guarantee for the safety investment;

  (5) Safety education and training;

  (6) Safety inspection, the inspection and control for the hidden risks;

  (7) Emergency rescue;

  (9) Performance evaluation for the work safety;

  (9) Liabilities for breach of contract;

  (10) Other requirements and responsibilities.


  第十一条 发包单位应按照合同约定向承包单位提供与外包项目安全生产相关的勘察、设计、风险评价、检测检验和应急救援等资料,并保证资料的真实性、完整性和有效性。

  Article 11 The contract-issuing entities shall provide relevant safety information about the outsourcing project to the contractors in accordance with the contract, including the reconnaissance, the design, risk evaluation, check, inspection and emergency rescue, and ensure data’s authenticity, integrality and validity.



  Before the project operation, the contract-issuing entities shall provide necessary conditions and environment for the work safety and operation, ...... shall completely provide all writing safety and technical documents of the outsourcing project to the contractors, ...... the writing document shall be signed by both parties, where the safety conditions are not met, there are no safety technical measures or the writing documents are not completely provided, the operation is prohibited.



  Before entering the construction site, the contract-issuing entities shall train the relevant personnel of the contractors, making training records, and the personnel having passed the exam can enter into the operation site.



  Notes by EHS.CN



  The service is outsourced, but whether the risks can be outsourced or not? – management of the contractors (http://www.ehs.cn/article-19263-1.html) the safety management of the contractors includes three aspect, they are qualification certificates, systems and regulations, and the on-site implementation. Regarding to the enterprises management, we believe that professional things shall be done by professional persons. So, can we find the real professional persons to distinguish the “truth or falsehood”?



  iii. Unified into the enterprise’s safety management


  第十条 发包单位应当将承包单位及其项目部纳入本单位的安全管理体系,实行统一管理。

  Article 10 The contract-issuing entities shall conclude the contractors and their projects into the internal safety management system, and implement the unified management.



  Where there are various contractors for the outsourcing project or cross-operations during the outsourcing project, the contract-issuing entities shall carry out the unified coordination and management over the work safety operations of various contractors and over the cross-operations implemented by various parties at one operation area.



  For the outsourcing project of technical reconstruction with major safety risks, the contract-issuing entity shall set up a leader group, and designate a company (plant) leader to be especially responsible for it and to implement the supervision and management over the whole process.



  Regarding to the outsourcing projects with operations at dangerous areas or dangerous operations, the contract-issuing entity shall arrange special personnel to carry out the whole-process supervision during the operation activities.



  Notes by EHS.CN



  Even the project with high risks is outsourced, but the risks are still there! Regarding to high risks, no matter who is doing the operation, enterprises shall implement the “high risk management”, designating special leader and personnel to carry out the whole-process supervision.



  Secondly, work safety duties of the contractors


  第十七条 设置安全生产管理机构或配备专(兼)职安全生产管理人员。做好人员定编、定岗、定责工作,制定岗位工作标准和安全操作规程,并报发包单位备案。

  Article 17 Set up a work safety management institution or provide full-time (part-time) safety management personnel. The authorized size, authorized post and authorized obligations of the personnel shall be defined, and the working standards of the post and safety operation procedures shall be established and reported to the contract-issuing entity.


  第十九条 应依照有关规定制定作业方案,并经发包单位审核批准后实施。

  Article 19 The operation plan shall be made according to relevant regulations and be implemented after receiving the contract-issuing party’s examination and approval.


  第二十条 进入危险区域作业或进行危险作业时,必须严格执行发包单位的许可制度,接受发包单位专人的现场监督。

  Article 20 Carrying out operations at dangerous areas or dangerous operations, the licensing system of the contract-issuing entity shall be strictly enforced, and accepting the on-site supervision made by special personnel from the contract-issuing entity.


  第二十一条 进入现场作业前,承包单位应当对作业现场安全生产条件进行确认。发现事故隐患后应立即报告发包单位,并拒绝进入现场进行作业。

  Article 21 Before entering into the operation site, the contractors shall confirm the work safety conditions of the operation site. When discovering accident hidden risks, the contractors shall immediately report to the contract-issuing entity and refuse to enter the scene and to carry out the operation.



  During the operation, the contractors shall immediately control and eliminate the accident hidden risks when discovering them, necessary preventing measures shall be carried out if the hidden risks cannot be controlled immediately, and the contractors shall report to the contract-issuing entity in writing in a timely manner and consult with them to eliminate the hidden risks.


  第二十三条 编制专项的应急预案和现场处置方案,建立应急救援组织或指定应急救援人员,配备救援设备设施和器材,并定期组织演练。

  Article 23 Prepare the special emergency plans and on-site disposal plans, establish emergency rescue organizations or designate emergency rescue personnel, provide rescue equipment and facilities, and organize regular drills.



  Notes by EHS.CN



  For whom it will be stricter, the contractors or the contract-issuing entities? Regulations hereof are requirements for both parties. If any party has problems, the other party has the reason to refuse to carry out the risky operation. Intimate communication between two parties, closed process control and information feedback are necessary.



  Thirdly, accident consequences and legal liabilities



  i Include the accident in the statistical scope of the accidents of the contract-issuing entity


  第十四条 发包单位在接到外包项目事故报告后,应当立即启动相关事故应急预案,或者采取有效措施,组织抢救,防止事故扩大,并依照《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的规定,向事故发生地县级以上人民政府安全生产监督管理部门和负有安全生产监督管理职责的有关部门报告。

  Article 14 The contract-issuing entity shall immediately carry out the emergency plan after receiving the accident report of the outsourcing project, or take effective measures to organize the rescue, so as to prevent the extension of the accident, and report to the local work safety departments above the county level at the place where an accident occurs and to the relevant departments responsible for administration of work safety in accordance with the Regulation on the Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Work Safety Accidents.



  Where there are accidents happened to the outsourcing project, the accident information shall be included in the statistical scope of the contract-issuing entity.



  ii . Include in the blacklist management of dishonest actions


  第二十六条 外包项目发生较大以上责任事故或者一年内发生二起以上一般事故的,事故发生地的设区市人民政府安全生产监督管理部门应当向承包单位登记注册地的设区市人民政府安全生产监督管理部门通报,并将发包单位纳入当地安全生产失信黑名单管理范围。

  Article 26 Where there is a major liability accident happened to the outsourcing project or there are two or above accidents happened within one year, the administration department of work safety for the municipal people's government with districts at the place where an accident occurs shall report the accidents to the administration department of work safety for the municipal people's government with districts where the contractors registered, and include the contractors into the local blacklist management of the dishonest acts in the field of work safety.



  Conclusion by EHS.CN



  Where the accident statistic falls on any entity, the image of the entity will be damaged, and it will lose a lot of chances. The joint effect of blacklist is very obvious.



  This Interim Measures is an attempt made by the Jiangsu Province, which is likely to be the direction of the government's safety management.



  The contractors’ management for the industrial and trading enterprises is a long-standing problem for the safety management. Because of the complicated interest relation between two parties, the complex personal relationship, the asymmetric information and the non-transparent situation, the contract-issuing entities always fell strong in will but weak in power; meanwhile, the contractors also have a lot of difficulties.



  This Interim Measures provides the guidelines for the direction of the government, techniques and internal processes. Even if the enterprises are not in Jiangsu Province, they may try to use for reference. Whether other provinces follow up or not, we will inform you in a timely manner, please keep your attention.











刚表态过的朋友 (4 人)



引用 wateryuan321 2016-10-22 08:58
引用 江南香茗坊 2016-10-21 20:16
