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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 2016年2月双语法规解读《生产经营单位安全生产不良记录“黑名单”管理暂行规定》


2016-3-14 15:58 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 6030 | 评论: 2 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:广东省的“黑名单”管理办法刚刚出台,正在征求意见。这让我们回顾起“黑名单”的源头。随着更严厉的“两高司法解释”中关于安全生产刑事责任的出台,有关“黑名单”的管理办法则温柔得多,更像是对存在重大隐患企业 ...


Interpretation of the Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Black List of Production Entities with Bad Work Safety Records


The consultation draft of the Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Black List of Production Entities with Bad Work Safety Records is just issued and under the stage of consultation, which reminds us the source of “black list”. Compared with the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases concerning Endangering Work Safety, the provisions on the administration of the black list seem to be much more tender. They are like notices or warnings to enterprises with major hidden risks.



On July 29th, 2015, the Work Safety Committee of the State Council recently issued the Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Black List of Production Entities with Bad Work Safety Records, which is an important measure to establish and improve the credit system of work safety. There are 12 clauses in the Interim Provisions, which are closely related to enterprises and their management over major hidden risks. The followings are interpretations for some important clauses.



Question one: who shall issue the black list?

第二条 生产经营单位安全生产不良记录“黑名单”(以下简称“黑名单”)管理按照分级负责、属地管理与行业指导相结合的原则组织实施,由国家安全监管总局统一管理。

Article 2 The principles of the graded management, territorial management and combining with industrial instruction apply to the implementation of the black list management of production entities with bad work safety records (hereinafter referred to as “the black list”), and it is under the unified management of the State Administration of Work Safety.




Question two: under what circumstances an enterprise will be black-listed?

第三条 生产经营单位有下列情况之一的,纳入国家安全监管总局管理的“黑名单”:

Article 3 Production entities with any one of the following circumstances will be black-listed by the State Administration of Work Safety.


(1) when the major work safety accident or more serious accident happens, or ten or above people die from the work safety accident in one year;


(2) when a work safety accident happens or discover patients with an occupational disease or patients suspected of having an occupational disease, hide the truth in making reports, make false reports or intentionally damage the accident scene, destroy relevant evidences;


(3) enterprises with major hidden risks of work safety, excessive intensity or concentration of hazard factors of occupational diseases, upon being informed or made to carry out rectification with a prescribe period by competent supervision departments of work safety, fail to rectify on time or thoroughly;


(4) the work safety permit has been suspended or revoked;


(5) other behaviors violating laws and regulations concerning to the work safety and the prevention of occupational diseases’ hazards.


(Interpretation from EHS.CN

What is the condition to be in the provincial black list? Every province shall make their own implementation measures, and refer to following contents in NO. 8 [2014] Document of the Work Safety Committee.

u       一年内发生较大生产安全责任事故,或累计发生责任事故死亡超过3人(含)以上的,纳入省级管理的安全生产诚信“黑名单”;

u       When serious work safety accident due to negligence happens in one year or accumulatively three people or above die from work safety accidents, enterprises shall be listed in the provincial black list of credit system of work safety;

u       一年内发生死亡2人(含)以上的生产安全责任事故,或累计发生责任事故死亡超过2人(含)以上的,纳入市(地)级管理的安全生产诚信“黑名单”;

u       when a work safety accident due to negligence with two people die or above happens in one year, or accumulatively two people or above die from accidents due to negligence, enterprises shall be listed in the municipal black list of credit system of work safety;

u       一年内发生死亡责任事故的,纳入县(区)级管理的安全生产诚信“黑名单”。

u       when accidents due to negligence with death happen, enterprises shall be listed in the county black list of credit system of work safety.





Interpretation from EHS.CN

Five circumstances under which an enterprise will be black-listed include two aspects that are work safety and occupational health. Clause (1) and Clause (2) are related to the consequences of happened accidents or occupational hygiene, while Clause (3) and Clause (4) focus on the management of hidden risks and enterprises’ compliance.

Meanwhile, the graded management offers more power to local supervision authorities. The management has four grades, from counties, municipal cities, provinces to the State, with increasing power of each grade. Therefore, local supervision authorities are willing to make more rigorous local implementation measures, for example, the related provision of Guangdong is under the stage of consultation. Enterprises are easier to be black-listed than before, which means that the business operation restrictions are more



Question three: what are the regulatory procedures for an enterprise to be black-listed?

第四条 生产经营单位纳入“黑名单”管理的期限,为自公布之日起1年。连续进入“黑名单”管理的生产经营单位,从第2次纳入“黑名单”管理起,管理期限为3年。

Article 4 The period of “black list” management for production entities is one year as of the date of issue. When any enterprise is black listed in succession, the management period will be 3 year as of the second time of its being black listed.

第五条 实施“黑名单”管理的基本程序,如下图所示:

Article 5 The basic procedures for implementing the black list management are as follows.



Interpretation from EHS.CN


To be put in the black list shall go through relevant procedures, opportunities of defense are offered to enterprises, and the power of the media is combined. The first batch of national black listed enterprises has been announced on the website of the State Administration of Work Safety on December 25th. Tianjin Ruihai (the explosion in Tianjin Port) must be the first one of the list.





Question four: being in the black list, what will enterprises face?

第四条 生产经营单位纳入“黑名单”管理的期限,为自公布之日起1年。连续进入“黑名单”管理的生产经营单位,从第2次纳入“黑名单”管理起,管理期限为3年。

Article 4 The period of “black list” management for production entities is one year as of the date of issue. When any enterprise is black listed in succession, the management period will be 3 year as of the second time of its being black listed.

第八条  信息采集部门应当把纳入“黑名单”管理的生产经营单位作为重点监管监察对象,建立常态化暗查暗访机制,不定期开展抽查;加大执法检查频次,每半年至少进行1次抽查,每年至少约谈1次其主要负责人;发现有新的安全生产违法行为的,要依法依规从重处罚。

Article 8 The information-collected departments shall deem the black-listed business entities as the major supervision subjects, establish daily system of check and investigation in secret, and irregularly carry out the random investigation; increase the frequency of random investigation, carry out the random investigation once per half a year at least, and have a talk with the person-in-charge once a year; and when discovering new behaviors breaching laws concerning to work safety, give a heavier punishment according to laws and regulations.

第九条……制定并落实各项制约措施和惩戒制度,在各级各类评先表彰中, “一票否决”。

Article 9 …… Set up and implement the restriction measures and punishment system, and an “veto” shall apply to all praise or commend.

第十条  国家安全监管总局及时向国务院相关部门和单位通报纳入“黑名单”管理的生产经营单位信息。按照国务院及有关部门和单位的相关规定,对纳入“黑名单”管理的生产经营单位采取严格限制或禁止其新增项目的核准、土地使用、采矿权取得、政府采购、证券融资、政策性资金和财税政策扶持等措施,并作为银行决定是否贷款等重要参考依据。

Article 10 The State Administration of Work Safety shall report the information about business entities under “black list” management to relevant departments of the State Council   in a timely manner. In accordance with regulations of relevant departments of the State Council, business entities under “black list” management are restricted or forbidden to obtain newly developed projects, land use, mining rights, government purchase, equities and financing, subsidies granted for policy consideration and tax policy support, which shall be important consideration for banks to give a loan or not.



Interpretation from EHS.CN

“黑名单”就是重点监管监察对象、就是从重处罚的对象。 在中国的“一票否决”很大程度上也否决了企业未来的机会,而直接与土地、许可、金融相关联,也让“丢面子”的失信行为升级为“断资源”的企业自杀行为。,诚信体系建设的意义正在于此!

The black-listed enterprises are the major supervision subjects as well as the targets being given heavier punishment. In China, the principle of “veto” overrides enterprises’ future opportunities to a certain degree, directly relating to land, licenses and finance, which makes the “embarrassing” credit-lost behavior become the suicide behavior of “cutting sources”. That is the point to establish the credit system!




The power of the trend is strong, and the supervision of EHS is the same as well. The supervision will be increasingly rigorous and fully cover.


The implementation of the black list management is just a measure rather than the final purpose. As the EHS management personnel in enterprises, the most important things to be understood are as follows when facing the awful black list.

(1)       弄清楚自己所在的企业最容易发生的事故有哪些,其等级如何?

(1) Clearly find out accidents that most easily happen in the enterprise, and what is the dangerous level of the accident?

(2)       想尽办法,整改治理,千万别上“黑名单”!

(2) Think about as many methods as possible, carry out the controlling measures, never be black-listed!


Once an enterprise is black-listed, its reputation is over. It is not that easy to be out of the black list. You work for an enterprise in the black list for several years, but it is still black-listed. How can we see your contribution? How to make yourself out of the black list?


In other words, deal with the risks of the black list at once! Make yourself as well as the enterprise away from the black list






关键字:黑名单, 安全生产






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引用 66520003 2016-3-15 14:32
引用 何欢军 2016-3-15 08:21
