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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 2016年1月双语法规解读《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害生产安全刑事案件 ...

2016年1月双语法规解读《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害生产安全刑事案件 ...

2016-1-11 14:52 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 9129 | 评论: 12 | 来自: EHS.CN

20161 新法提示

Tips For New Legislations in Jan. 2016




The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases concerning Endangering Work Safety




On December 15, 2015, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State Administration of Work Safety jointly issued the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases concerning Endangering Work Safety (hereinafter referred to as the Interpretation).




Pursuant to relevant regulations and requirements stipulated in the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress revised the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China for the ninth time on August 29, 2015, adding and revising regulations concerning “work safety”. There are 17 clauses in the Interpretation, focusing on the problems arising during the commencement of action and the judicial proceeding for criminal cases of endangering work safety, the contents of which cover the subject of crime of work safety, the criterion for conviction and sentencing, the specific application of the principle of lighter punishment or heavier punishment, the determination and handling of the crime of bribery, the crime of corruption and the crime of dereliction of duty.


1、 《解释》中所引用的《刑法》的对应条款安全生产相关的

Firstly, it is about the corresponding “crimes” stipulated in relevant clause concerning work safety in the Criminal Law, which are quoted in the Interpretation.



2、 关于犯罪主体:

Secondly, it is about the subject of crime.











Editor’s note:

The crimes concerning work safety are connected to responsibilities. “Bearing responsibilities or not” has become the primary principle for defining responsibilities.


From investors, persons-in-charge to controllers, managers and even the personals engaged in producing, operating and maintaining, they can be deemed as the criminal suspect; and the key point is that whether they are involved, whether they have obligations, whether they have fulfilled their obligations, whether they have all responsibilities fully carried out, and whether it leads to actual results.


Therefore, it is not strange that the grieved story that work-safety staff has been passed a sentence happened. Although it is grieved, we have to wake up. How can we shoulder the responsibility? Who is with us? How can we at least make our ability equal to the responsibility?



Thirdly, it is about the criterion for conviction and sentencing.


第六条  对定罪量刑标准做出了明确规定,原则上以死亡一人、重伤三人,或者造成直接经济损失一百万元作为入罪标准。

Article 6 The criterion for conviction and sentencing has been clearly stated. Principally, causing death of one person and any serious injury to three persons or causing direct economic losses equivalent to 1,000,000 yuan is deemed as the criterion for conviction.


第七条  实施刑法(规定的)相关行为,因而发生安全事故,具有下列情形之一的,对相关责任人员,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑:

Article 7  Where anyone carries out relevant actions stipulated in the Criminal Law and thus causes safety accidents, the relevant liable persons with any of the following circumstances shall be sentenced to fix-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.



(1) Cause death of more than three person or any serious injury to more than ten persons and have major responsibility for accidents;



(2) cause direct economic losses equivalent to 5,000,000 yuan and have major responsibility for accidents;



(3) cause any other especially serious consequences, the circumstances are especially adverse or the consequences are particularly serious.



第七条 采用了事故后果+责任大小的规定方式,即原则上事故后果达到一定程度,行为人又对事故承担主要责任的,方可处以第二档法定刑。




更需要我们关注的是:致一人死亡即达到入罪标准! 为此,我们可以看看自己所处的企业,留意自己的危险源与隐患,哪些有机会导致一人以上死亡,如何至少能够做到不伤害生命?!!


Editor’s Note:

The Article 7 adopts the defining rule of “consequence plus responsibility”, which means that where the accident consequence is up to a certain extent and the doer bears major responsibility for the accidents, the second statutory sentence applies.


For some cases, the secondary liable persons cannot be passed the second statutory sentence, which cannot meet the principle of suiting punishment to crime and responsibility. Under this circumstance, the miscellaneous provision applies and the liable persons can be passed the second statutory sentence.


Attention shall be paid to that causing death of one person meets the criterion for conviction. Therefore, we shall look into our enterprises, seeking dangerous sources and hidden risks that may cause death of more than one person, and make sure that they will not be harmful for human lives at least.



Fourthly, it clearly defines conditions of application for the crime of forcing any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions.


第五条  明知存在事故隐患、继续作业存在危险,仍然违反有关安全管理的规定,实施下列行为之一的,应当认定为刑法第一百三十四条第二款规定的强令他人违章冒险作业

Article 5 Where anyone knowing there are hidden risks of accidents or there will be dangerous if the operation continues carries out any of following actions by violating relevant regulations concerning safety management, the action shall be deemed as “forcing any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions” under the second clause of Article 141 of the Criminal Law.



    (1) Use the power of organizing, directing and managing to force any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions;



    (2) use the means of coercion, duress and threat to force any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions;



    (3) intentionally cover hidden risks of accidents to force any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions;



(4) other behaviors of forcing any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions.







Editor’s note:

Combining Article 2 and Article 5, we can see that the subject of crime directly refers to the persons-in-charge, controllers, managers and investors rather than the staff directly engaged in producing and operating.


The statutory maximum sentence of the crime of forcing any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions is fix-term imprisonment of fifteen years, which is seldom used. Some experts believe that this is because the understanding of “forcing” is  inappropriate. Some behaviors of forcing any other person to conduct risky operations by violating relevant provisions are identified as the crime of negligently causing an accident, and it leads to lower sentence, which is not conducive to the punishment of crime.



Fifthly, actions of intentionally obstructing the rescue and abandoning the victims shall be punished severely.


第十条  在安全事故发生后,直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员故意阻挠开展抢救,导致人员死亡或者重伤,或者为了逃避法律追究,对被害人进行隐藏、遗弃,致使被害人因无法得到救助而死亡或者重度残疾的,以故意杀人罪或者故意伤害罪定罪处罚。

Article 10 After the safety accident happen, where directly liable directors and other directly liable persons intentionally obstruct the rescue and thus causes death or serious injury, or in order to escape legal punishment they hide or abandon victims and thus causes victims dead or severe disabled for lacking of help, they shall be convicted and punished as murder or crime of willful and malicious injury.



安全生产事故罪因其原因的非故意性,总体量刑不高,与故意的伤害与杀人罪的判刑标准是非常不同的。但,如果当事人存在主观故意,从而导致了严重的事故后果,本身与杀人无异了。 《解释》对此进行必要的区分,非常必要。




Editor’s Note:

Since the one who commits the crime concerning work safety accident is generally unintentional, the sentencing is generally not serious, whose criterion for sentencing is different from that of crime of “intentional” injury and murder. However, if the doer is intentional to cause serious consequence, it is the same as murder. The Interpretation has made necessary distinctions on it, which is quite important.


Everyone shall bear in mind that no matter what accidents happen, we must keep pure benevolence.










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