解读GB 7258《机动车运行安全技术条件》(征求意见稿) Interpretation of the GB 7258 Safety Specifications for Power-driven Vehicles Operating on Roads (Consultation Draft) EHS.CN 写在前面: Kindly notice before interpreting
As a technical regulation on the safety management of driven vehicles operating, the GB 7258 has been playing a positive role as of its promulgating on September 1, 2012. Seeing from the problems exposed from serious road traffic accidents happened in recent years, the GB 7258 has proposed relatively low safety technology requirements for heavy goods vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles, and has no relevant regulations on the usage limits of trucks for transporting dangerous goods (trucks for transporting dangerous goods minted before September 1, 2012).
What's more, relevant authorities are organizing the revising work of national standards, such as the Limits of Dimensions, Axle Load and Masses for Road Vehicles (GB1589), the Motor Vehicles and Trailers--Rear Underrun Protection Requirements (GB11567.2) and the Electric Bicycles - General Technical Requirements (GB17761), but some of the revisions are not consistent with current requirements stipulated in the GB 7258. The Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China issued the consultation draft of the GB 7258 on March 4. The followings are the interpretation of its key clauses.
一、提升危险货物运输车辆、重中型货车等安全技术要求 Firstly, it is about promoting the safety technical requirements for vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods and heavy or medium goods vehicles.
7.2.1 危险货物运输半挂车的行车制动应采用双回路或多回路的要求;
7.2.1 The requirement of dual-pipe or multi-pile service bake shall apply to the service baking system of semi-trailer intended for carriage of dangerous goods;
8.6.8 运输易燃易爆物品的危险货物运输货车电路系统应有切断总电源和隔离电火花的装置的要求;
8.6.8 The requirements of cutting off the power supply and devices of insulating electric sparks shall apply to the vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods that are intended for transporting inflammable and explosive goods;
12.12.4 罐式危险货物运输车辆运送易燃易爆液体燃料时,其燃料箱和罐体应采用阻隔防爆安全技术的要求;
12.12.4 When tankers for dangerous goods transportation are transporting inflammable and explosive liquid fuels, their fuel containers and tanks shall adopt the requirement of using isolation techniques for protection from explosion;
12.12.5 装有紧急切断装置的罐式危险货物运输车辆,在设计和制造上应保证运输液体危险货物的车辆行驶速度大于5km/h时紧急切断阀能自动关闭,或能通过一个明显的信号装置(例如:声或光信号)提示驾驶人紧急切断阀仍处于“未关闭”状态的要求。
12.12.5 The design of and the production of tankers for dangerous goods transportation installed with emergency shutoff device shall guarantee that the emergency shutoff device will cut off automatically when the running speed of the vehicle transporting dangerous liquids is over 5km/h, or there will be a clear signal device (for example: sound or light signal) to remind the driver that the emergency shutoff device is still “on”. ……
EHS.CN注: EHS.CN’s note
Vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods have been called as “mobile chemical bombs”, and people feel scared when talking about it. During the transporting process of dangerous goods, the supercargoes are responsible for the supervision over the whole process from loading, transporting to unloading, whose role should not be underestimated. However, if the safety designs of vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods are not sufficient, the safety device is lacked, or the requirements of national standards are too low, they will make the vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods running with faultiness.
Enterprises engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods and the units engaged in non-business activities of road transportation of dangerous goods shall ensure their vehicles fully meet the national standards. In the process of the transportation of dangerous goods, it will be a big challenge for the EHS personnel from the producing, business and using units of dangerous goods to choose suppliers and vehicles that meet the national standards.
二、危险货物运输车辆的特殊要求 Secondly, it is about the special requirements for the vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods.
From the 13th month as of the implementation date of the Specifications, the requirements stipulated in this Specifications shall apply to all vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods produced before the implementation of this Specifications (From the 13th month as of the implementation date of this Specifications, any vehicle intended for carriage of dangerous goods in use that fail to meet the particular requirements thereof should be withdrawn from the market of transporting dangerous goods).
EHS.CN注: EHS.CN’s note
“From the 13th month as of the implementation date of the Specifications, any vehicle intended for carriage of dangerous goods in use that fail to meet the particular requirements thereof should be withdrawn from the market of transporting dangerous goods”.
If the consultation draft of the GB 7258 comes into force, it means that a vehicle just bought one or two years ago will be scrapped, and even some of them were just bought and got licensed in 2015. Attention: it will be scrapped directly, and forced to be withdrawn from the market! No remedy is possible! Who shall be responsible for the lost? Whether the vehicle can be returned to the manufacturer?
This will cause a major blow to the transportation industry of dangerous goods, so enterprises engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods need to be particularly careful. EHS management personnel in the enterprises should pay special attention to that whether the vehicles transporting dangerous goods meet the national standards and whether vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods are running with faultiness.
三、全生命周期严格监管新能源汽车——纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车的特殊要求(12.13) Thirdly, it is about the strict safety supervision over the full life cycle of new energy vehicles —— particular requirements for pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles(12.13)
12.13.1 ……当车辆被物理连接到外部电源时,应不能通过自身的驱动系统移动。
12.13.1 ……When the vehicle is physically connected to an external power supply, it should not be able to move by its own driven system.
12.13.2 纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车在车辆启动、车速低于20km/h时,应能给车外人员发出适当的提示性声响,提示音应满足相关标准要求。
12.13.2 When the pure electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles are starting and their speed is less than 20km/h, appropriate prompt sounds shall be made for the people outside the vehicle and the prompt sound shall meet relevant standards and requirements.
EHS.CN注: EHS.CN’s note
The new energy vehicle is a key developing focus of the automobile industry in our country, each brand of car manufacturers has set foot in it more or less. However, the GB 7258-2012 has not proposed particular operation safety technical requirements according to the characteristics of new energy vehicles, which is not conducive to the strict safety supervision over the full life cycle of new energy vehicles.
The introduction of the new Specification has made the safety technology and conditions for the operating process of new energy vehicles more clear, so it is particularly important for EHS personnel from the units using the vehicles to guarantee the normal implementation of the above-mentioned safety technologies and conditions and to ensure the regular maintenances.
四、从运输资质许可、专用车辆设备管理,到运输过程管理…… Fourthly, from the transportation qualification license, the equipment management of special vehicles to the process management of transportation……
a) 《道路危险货物运输管理规定》(2016年4月11日修订) Provisions on the Administration of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (amended on April 11, 2016)
第8条:规定了危险品道路运输企业应在运输车辆、场地、人员、制度……等方面满足条件要求 Article 8 it stipulates that enterprises engaged in road transportation of dangerous goods shall meet the conditions and requirements of transporting vehicles, places, personnel, systems and so on.
第28-52条:对道路危险货物运输企业或者单位、危险货物托运人、驾驶人员、装卸管理人员、押运人员、道路危险货物运输从业人员……的职责进行了明确和细化! Article 28 to Article 52 The responsibilities are clear and detailed for enterprises engaged in road transportation of dangerous goods, consignors of dangerous goods, driving personnel, management personnel of loading and unloading, supercargoes, employees engaged in road transportation of dangerous goods and so on.
b) 《危险货物运输包装危险货物包装及中型散货容器和大包装ISO 9001》实用指南 SN/T 4478-2016(2016-10-01起实施) Transportation Package of Dangerous Goods, Package of Dangerous Goods, Medium Bulk Containers and Large Package ISO 9001, Practical Guidelines SN/T 4478-2016 (will come into force on October 1, 2016) c) 《危险货物运输包装通用技术条件》GB 12463-2009 General Specifications for Transport Packages of Dangerous Goods GB 12463-2009 d) 《汽车运输危险货物规则》JT 617-2004 The Regulations of Automobile Transportation of Dangerous Goods JT 617-2004 e) 《汽车运输、装卸危险货物作业规程》JT 618-2004 Rules of Transportation, Loading and Unloading of Dangerous Goods by Automobile JT 618-2004
(2016年3月19日,一装载疑似易燃易爆品的大货车,在京港澳高速湖南境内起火爆炸,并引燃2台小汽车和2台大货车,另致7台车辆受损,导致5死20伤。) (On March 19, 2016, a truck loaded with suspected inflammable and explosive goods caught fire and exploded on the G4 Express in Hunan Province, igniting two cars and two large trucks, inducing seven vehicles damaged, resulting in five people dead and 20 people injured.)
EHS.CN注: EHS.CN’s note
There are a lot of kinds of dangerous goods, and many of them are flammable, explosive and with strong corrosion, whose packages, loading and unloading, transportation and emergency disposal require very professional knowledge to ensure safety. During the whole process of the transportation of dangerous goods, it requires careful thinking about how the EHS personnel participate in the process and how to use their own professional knowledge to serve the transportation of dangerous goods.
和危险货物运输相关的法规条款,可登陆http://www.ehs.cn进行查阅。 Laws and regulations related to the transportation of dangerous goods can be referred to by visiting http://www.ehs.cn .
EHS.CN小结: EHS.CN’s conclusion
The road transportation accidents related to dangerous goods are different from normal transportation accidents, and they will generally lead to more serious consequence such as combustion, explosion and leakage, which will cause series problems of economic losses, environmental pollution and ecological damage, casualties, fatalities and so on.
That is why the requirements are extremely high for vehicles intended for carriage of dangerous goods, safety facilities and equipments, employees and emergency rescues.
The newly revision of the Safety Specifications for Power Driven Vehicles Operating on Roads (GB 7258) is a positive response to the severe situation of the road transportation of dangerous goods as well as a quick response to the new situation of new energy vehicles’ rapid development. Meanwhile, it puts forward higher requirements to the enterprises engaged in the road transportation of dangerous goods, from the hardware to employees’ quality, from the system to the management.....
The supervision and the management are growing stricter, and the standards are regulated. Under such a new circumstance, relevant enterprises and EHS personnel have the to-do list and not-to-do list; therefore long-term development can be achieved without touching the regulatory warning line.
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