5.4 厂界环境噪声监测 5.4 monitoring on boundary noise 厂界环境噪声每季度至少开展一次监测,夜间生产的要监测夜间噪声。 The monitoring on boundary noise shall be carried out at least once a quarter. The noise produced at night shall be monitored as well. 编者:上述废气、废水及噪声的监测频次规定均为最低频次的要求。总体上讲与多数规模企业的排污监测频率一致。重点变化在于监测指标的设立。其他监测指标如何界定,当周边环境出现问题时,如何确保企业自证无罪是一个需要即考虑严谨度也要考虑成本的问题。) Editor: the abovementioned monitoring frequency for waste gas and wastewater is the lowest monitoring frequency. Generally speaking, it is in consistent with the pollutant monitoring frequency in most of the large-scale enterprises. The significant change comes from the establishment of the monitoring indexes. How to define other monitoring indexes? When there is a problem in the surrounding environment, how to ensure that the enterprise can prove the observation of the law by themselves? There are problem that both the preciseness and the cost are needed to be considered.
5.5 周边环境质量影响监测 5.5 monitoring on the impact of surrounding environmental quality. Ø 5.5.1 监测点位 Ø 5.5.1 monitoring sites 排污单位厂界周边的土壤、地表水、地下水、大气等环境质量影响监测点位参照排污单位环境影响评价文件及其批复及其他环境管理要求设置。 The setting of the monitoring sites for the impact of surrounding environmental quality, including the surrounding soil, surface water, ground water and atmosphere, shall meet the requirements proposed in the environmental impact assessment and its approval reports and other environmental management documents. 如环境影响评价文件及其批复及其他文件中均未做出要求,排污单位需要开展周边环境质量影响监测的,环境质量影响监测点位设置的原则和方法参照(相关标准)… If there is no requirements proposed in the environmental impact assessment and its approvalreport and other documents, pollution sources that need to carry out the monitoring on the impact of surrounding environmental quality shall set the monitoring sites according to (relevant standards)... Ø 5.5.2 监测指标 Ø 5.5.2 monitoring indexes 周边环境质量影响监测点位监测指标参照排污单位环境影响评价文件及其批复等管理文件的要求执行,或根据排放的污染物对环境的影响确定。 The monitoring indexes of the monitoring on the impact of surrounding environmental quality shall be implemented according to the requirements proposed in the pollution source's environmental impact assessment and its approval report or the discharging pollutants' impact on the environment. (编者:目前环境影响评价领域有一种趋势,即倾向于更严格的要求,以规避自身评价过程及评价结果中的纰漏。这对于企业而言无疑会带来未来成本的上升。因此,企业必须考虑如何在环境影响评价文件、排污许可证上更严谨,承担自己应承担的责任,同时也保护好自己不被周边企业连累。) (Editor: at present, there is a trend in the field of environmental impact assessment, which tends to be more stringent so as to avoid the flaws in its own evaluation process and its evaluation results. This will undoubtedly bring about an increase of future cost for the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises must consider how to be more rigorous in environmental impact assessment and the pollutant discharge permit, bear their own responsibilities, and also protect themselves from being inculpated by surrounding enterprises.) 5.6 监测方案的描述 5.6 description of the monitoring plan 6 监测质量保证与质量控制 6 monitoring quality assurance and quality control 7 信息记录和报告 7 information record and report Ø 7.2 信息报告,排污单位应编写自行监测年度报告,年度报告至少应包含以下内容…… Ø 7.2 about the information report, pollution sources shall draw up the annual monitoring report, and the annual repot shall at least include the following contents……
编者: 《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》、《排污许可证管理暂行规定》及《排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》三者构成对企业未来生产运作期间的唯一许可,而监测的信息也将成为企业自证合法的最核心证据。 Editor: The Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission, the Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule and the Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule have constituted the only permit for the future production and operation of the enterprise, and the monitoring information will also become the core evidence of the enterprise's self certification. 因此,企业必须谨慎对待即将到来的“排污许可证”,这将是企业与政府签订的“环保契约”,是双方基于国家相关法律法规要求,从自身立场、责任甚至利益出发而形成双方约定。而这也将成为未来企业守法、政府执法的依据。 Therefore, enterprises must be cautious about the upcoming "pollutant discharge permit". It is an "environmental protection contract" between the enterprise and the government, which is an agreement of both sides, and which is based on the requirement of relevant national laws and regulations, formed by their positions, responsibilities and interests . Meanwhile, this will become the basis for the future law-abiding of enterprises and for the law-enforcement of government. 如果企业在这种情况下,仍不能快速提升自己的理解法律法规、与各专业机构协商沟通的能力,那么,许可证上如何写,要求如何提,谁又来为企业自己把关呢? Under this kind of circumstance, if the enterprise still can not quickly enhance their understanding of laws and regulations and improve consultation and communication skills with professional institutions, then how to standardize the permit? How to propose the requirements? Who will be the guard for enterprises? |
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